Pure Mathematics

Department of Pure Mathematics is one of the oldest department at the University of Kashan. This department is active on the following majors:

  1. B.Sc.: Mathematics and applications, Pure mathematics, Applied mathematics, Computer science, Statistics.
  1. M.Sc.: Random analysis, Functional analysis, Topology, Geometry, Graph theory, Combinatorics, Ring and Module Theory, Coding Theory, Cryptography, Commutative algebra, Non-commutative algebra.
  2. PhD: Random analysis, Functional analysis, Topology, Geometry, Graph theory, Combinatorics, Ring and Module Theory, Coding Theory, Cryptography, Commutative algebra, Non-commutative algebra.

B.Sc and M.Sc graduates can teach mathematics and work in the fields of banking, finance, insurance, management, accounting and statistics as well as computer programming. PhD graduates can work as researchers and instructors in various universities and institutions.